Corporate portal - solutions

Corporate portal

Corporate portal is a system of interrelations between shareholders and company top management, a complex of tools allowing shareholders (investors) to control company operations and resolve issues with groups of influence.

Portal features:

  • Register of companies in the group.
  • Register of documents of a company in the group including warehousing of document images, electronic documents with e-signature.
  • Preparing and holding corporate events (shareholders meetings, board and management meetings), agenda items, voting results, execution monitoring.
  • Register of deal of a company in the group.
  • Register of disclosed information.
  • Statistics.

Issues resolved with corporate portal

Challenge Solution
Nontransparent structure of the group of companies Register of all companies, shareholders
Ineffective asset management Register of shares and stocks
Inaccessible information Register of report documents of subsidiaries and affiliates; warehousing of information
Ineffective operation of management Planning events; execution control
Insufficient control of deals Control of settlements and deals

Corporate portal benefits

  • Unified information environment of corporate management participants of the group of companies.
  • Automation of shareholder/investor relations management.
  • Retrieval, systematization, and storage of structured information and documents for all subsidiaries and affiliates of a company centrally and in a unified format.
  • Quick and convenient access to information and documents of the group of companies.
  • Planning and holding corporate events in the group of companies under corporate center control.
  • Task execution for subsidiaries and affiliates of the group.
  • Timely presentation of information with the group of companies at any date.
  • Central control for deal execution within the group of companies.
  • Convenient and effective search tools and access permissions.