Electronic docflow and content management - solutions

Electronic docflow and content management

Today, the majority of documents of regulated business processes at large enterprise includes so-called unstructured data: contracts, emails, drawings, etc. Their storage and use without a special ECM’s is a real headache of a company.

“ID – Management technologies” LLC offer full cycle of development and implementation of ECM’s that help reliably store data, quickly search for them in a system, quickly settle documents, monitor execution terms and quality of work.

“ID – Management technologies” LLC is a developer of the largest implementation of Automated Docflow Management System (ASUD) in Europe based on OpenText (previously EMC) Documentum.

Automation of company operations has the following advantages:

  • Timely and clear managerial decisions with the administrative docflow management.
  • Efficient regulation with contract management.
  • Maintenance and support throughout production cycle with technical docflow management.
  • Development of unified information environment for headquarters and affiliates with distributed docflow management.

Scope of work to implement ECM development projects

  • Pre-project survey including interviews of future system users
  • Business process analysis;
  • Formal requirements to business process automation;
  • Implementation models for administrative docflow management (model «to be»);
  • Quality control for the system created, system setup and adaptation;
  • Maintenance during pilot and commercial operation;
  • Supplementary requirements during system operation;
  • User training;
  • If required, duplication of the system.

Development of corporate data warehouses

  • Data entry
    • Data entry from external information systems
    • Scanning and recognition
  • Storage
    • Management of physical location of electronic carriers
    • Integration with disc, magnetooptic, and tape libraries
  • Logging
    • Work logs monitoring
    • References, classifiers, search indices
  • Operation
    • Full text and attribute based search
  • Management
    • Reference management
    • Access control

EDMS functionality

  • Preparation of documents;
  • Maintenance of company docflow in electronic form;
  • Transfer of documents into a data store; document versions are stored without alteration of the original;
  • Option of creating documents using templates;
  • Discussion, studying, approval / signing / registration, forwarding of notifications on documents to users;
  • Document execution control;
  • Generation of reports on performance discipline;
  • Maintenance of an electronic document archive;
  • Secure storage of documents used in business processes;
  • Prevention of document and data loss or damage;
  • Control of user actions and storing of business process history;
  • Control of information resources, management of document input, indexing, publication and distribution;
  • Configurable catalogue system;
  • Centralized navigation across the entire doc store;
  • Full-text and attributive doc search;
  • Online support of an organization structure.

System advantages

  • Control of current processes in the company through direct document approval
  • Option of quick document search and reduction of routine operations
  • Reduction of paper docflow
  • Option of collaborative work with documents that helps reduce the time spent on their preparation and approval
  • Tracking of execution terms for tasks
  • Receipt of reports on performance discipline

The administrative docflow module automates processing of the following document types

  • Internal organizational and administrative documents on a company/department level (orders, regulations, statutes, provisions, instructions, rules, etc.)
  • External incoming correspondence on a company/department level (letter, telegram, telephone message, fax message, electronic letter, etc.)
  • External outgoing correspondence on a company/department level (letter, telegram, telephone message, fax message, electronic letter, etc.)
  • Internal correspondence (incoming and outgoing correspondence on a department level: administrative note, reporting notice, different types of applications, etc.)

Automated functions of contractual accounting implemented in the module include:

  • Maintenance of a contractual documentation electronic database and automatic numeration of agreements;
  • Automated control of agreement execution, review and approval procedures;
  • Monitoring the implementation of agreements;
  • Creation and accounting of primary documents to the contract;
  • Preparation of analytic reports on all agreements;
  • Data exchange with other accounting systems, such as 1С, SAP and Oracle eBusiness Suite.

In order to minimize organizational risks with the implementation of a contractual docflow module, we, in cooperation with customers, have developed a general automation strategy through the discussion of organizational, methodical and informational measures.

These aspects are discussed together with the system end users of the customer, including: legal service, accounting department, economic security department. This allows us to organize effective feedback.


  • Generation of a contractual document card and launch of the approval process:
  • Creation and completion of registration card attributes of the contractual document;
  • Automatic check of signatory rights – connection to organizational and administrative documentation;
  • Maintenance of a card change history for the contractual document;
  • Maintenance of the hierarchy of contractual documents;
  • Storage of a full set of contractual documents related to one agreement in connection with an agreement registration card.
  • Generation and maintenance of contractual document approval routes with the ability to approve a draft of a document and all related data in contractual document cards;
  • Configuration of instruments for registration and processing of remarks for a contractual document draft.
  • Signing and registration of contractual document. Automatic number generation and assignment for contractual documents. Assignment of “active” status. Transmission of the status to an accounting system;
  • Maintenance of an end-to-end register of all signed contractual documents with the ability to generate selections based on user-defined attributes;
  • Generation of analytic reports on active/closed contractual documents, including control of obligation execution – the need for closure or extension of a contractual document;
  • Assignment of “closed” status to a contractual document. Transmission of the status to an accounting system.

Automation of contractual activities increases the operating efficiency of an enterprise as a whole and of its management system by:

  • Facilitation of concluding agreements and control of the execution of contractual obligations;
  • Transparency of contract accounting, development of a unified document processing technology;
  • Access to any contractual documentation, comparison of different agreement versions, change tracking, search by a word combination in the text of agreement;
  • Transfer to a paperless approval of agreements and reduction of expenses for consumables;
  • Improvement of execution discipline, significant reduction of time for review and approval of agreement drafts;
  • Automatic control of all stages of the conclusion and execution of agreements;
  • Increase of commercial information security;
  • Improved efficiency in the decision-making process by generating operative analytic reports at several layers.

The Contract Docflow module includes:

  • Contract approval subsystem: Control of preparation and approval of contractual documentation with the ability to configure any approval route;
  • Subsystem of contract standard form templates: Development, publication for common access, and updating of approved contract standard form templates;
  • Subsystem of integration with an accounting system;
  • Monitoring subsystem: Control of specified terms for processing of contractual documents, including approval, delivery and receipt of originals signed by contractors, execution of contract obligations, etc.

The Contract Docflow module automates processing of the following document types:

  • Contract;
  • Documents that represent an integral part of an agreement (Additional agreement, Specification, Annex, etc.);
  • Acts;
  • Supplementary documents that are necessary for approval and decision making on contractual documents (credit calculators, contractor statute documents, limits under power of attorney, decisions of administrative authorities, reports on contractual document closure, etc.).

Industrial enterprises and companies engaged in high-tech product development need instruments that help to formalize processes connected with the generation and approval of project documentation, and to support the entire production life cycle.

The Technical Docflow module makes it possible to present the full picture of all production processes in electronic form – from marketing to product utilization. The Technical Docflow system is based on the EMC Documentum platform.

Technical docflow functions implemented in the module include:

  • Management and control of engineering and technical documentation;
  • Generation, approval and control of the documentation life cycle using a time card of document versions aligned with product versions;
  • Collective development of products using flexible business processes for project approval;
  • Differentiation of access to documentation based on role privileges;
  • Production planning by management's distribution of resources in a particular project;
  • Management of end product quality and accompanying documentation (the solution generates reports in accordance with the requirements of a product quality system, and also generates lists of accompanying documentation of end products);
  • Organization of storage of engineering and technical data and design and estimate documentation in an electronic archive with balancing of the load on system resources and provisioning of balance between operative access to actual data and access to archived projects;
  • Integration with external applications (ERP, CAD, Microsoft Office);
  • Integration with an arching system and a digital signature system into a single cluster of corporate data automation.

In order to minimize organizational risks with the implementation of a Technical Docflow module, ID – Management Technologies, in cooperation with customers, has developed a general automation strategy through the discussion of organizational, methodical and informational measures.

These aspects are discussed together with the system end users of the customer, including: Design, project, planning and legal services. This allows us to organize effective feedback.

The elements of the service include:

  • Development of the system implementation methodology;
  • Business process analysis;
  • Determination of requirements;
  • Building of a model for the implementation of requirements within a module;
  • Solution configuration, testing and commissioning;
  • Preparation and loading of a normative base from sources provided;
  • Loading of design and technological data and accompanying information into the system;
  • System support during the trial and production operation periods;
  • Implementation of additional requirements that arise during system operation;
  • Solution replication.


  • Generation of a project card:
  • Project card attributes creation and completion;
  • Attachment of accompanying documentation;
  • Change history of card attributes and document versions support;
  • Approval of design and estimate documentation:
  • Generation and support of document approval route;
  • Configuration of instruments for registration and processing of remarks to document drafts;
  • Support of collaborative product development;
  • Support of collaborative documentation development;
  • Generation of reports on the current state of project implementation;
  • Generation of reports on labor distribution across current projects.

Implementation of a technical docflow system allows industrial enterprises to receive the following benefits:

  • Reduction of new product development terms;
  • Reduction of technical documentation development terms;
  • Use of unified data store prevents duplication of information;
  • Systematic storage of regulatory and technical documentation;
  • Increase in information security;
  • Possibility to analyze labor efficiency;
  • Understanding of current load on personnel;
  • Control of task execution that helps to increase the quality of end products.

Technical Docflow module includes:

  • Subsystem for design and estimate documentation generation;
  • Subsystem for design and estimate documentation approval;
  • Subsystem for regulatory and technical documentation;
  • Subsystem for integration with external systems;
  • Subsystem for execution discipline control;
  • Subsystem for cost distribution and project management.

The Technical Docflow module automates processing of the following document types:

  • Electronic documentation at the stage of product design, including specifications, drawings, and explanatory notes;
  • Estimate documentation;
  • Accompanying documentation, including instructions, operational and servicing documents.

Vertically integrated enterprises with distributed structure require a unified environment for docflow management, and task execution control. In this situation, each affiliate prefers to have a specific ECM (separate installation).

The distributed docflow management module organizes document exchange between ECM’s of various affiliates, settle documents electronically, control task execution.

Automated functions of the module include:

  • Document settlement;
  • Execution;
  • Peer review;
  • Outgoing and incoming mail exchange.

Distributed docflow management uses SSL data encryption and helps users from various affiliates to collaborate on a document.