Solutions SEDO: Electronic docflow and content management


SEDO solution

SEDO is based on the following principles

  • using free software components;
  • simple, scalable architecture;
  • scalability and geographically distributed operation (the solutions is suitable for vertically intergated and geographically distributed enterprises);
  • implementation of highly reliable and fault tolerant system for every level of software;
  • modern interface;
  • integration with eterprise data bus;
  • operation via 'thin' client;
  • access control for system objects based on role model and access lists;
  • ready for mobile devices based on iOS, Android, Windows.

Solution advantages

  1. Availability for self-setup of SEDO
    SEDO has functionality to help self configure the system without developers, create new documents, cards, business processes.
  2. Creation of unique business processes
    Mechanism of distributed document flow management with SEDO provides interaction with unique business processes of handling documents.
  3. Modern interface
    SEDO inerface is designed to include minimization of user actions on typical document processing activities.
  4. Solution developed in Russia
    SEDO is a Russian product, which does not require any royalties and payments to foreign vendors.

Integration capabilities

Ready to integrate with any information systems:

  • Corporate systems (SAP, OEBS/PostgreSQL/MS SQL, 1C, etc)
  • Active directories (AD)
  • Personnel records systems (SAP, БОСС-Кадровик, etc)
  • Information security system components (e-signature, IRM)
  • Regulatory and management information systems
  • Scanning and recognition systems (EMC Captiva, Abbyy Software)
  • Emails, fax servers